" newContent +=data newContent += "
" newContent += "<\/BODY><\/HTML>" // write HTML to new window document document.open() document.write(newContent) document.close() // close layout stream } var line="" var data="" var tprint=0 function testPrint(){ if (tprint==0){ tprint=1} else{ tprint=0} } function getData(line){ var name="" var addr="" var ecount = 0 var head=" 0) {tline=line} while(pos1>0){ pos2 = tline.indexOf("}") if (tline.substring((pos1+1),(pos2))!=""){ ecount = ecount + 1 addr = addr +"," + tline.substring((pos1+1),(pos2)) } tline = tline.substring(pos2+1,tline.length) pos1 = tline.indexOf ("{") } var acount = ("ALL " + ecount) data=head+addr+middle+ acount+tail var name="" var addr="" var head="" var tail="<\/A>
" var pos1=0; var pos2=0; pos3=0 pos1=line.indexOf("{") if (pos1 > 0) {tline=line} while(pos1>0){ pos2 = tline.indexOf("}") addr = addr +"," + tline.substring((pos1+1),(pos2)) tline = tline.substring(pos2+1,tline.length) pos1 = tline.indexOf ("{") } data=head+addr+middle+acount+tail addr = "" pos1 = 0; pos2 = 0;pos3=0 pos1 = line.indexOf("{") while (pos1>-1){ pos3=line.indexOf("\r") name= line.substring(pos3+1,pos3+30) pos2=line.indexOf("}") addr=line.substring(pos1+1,pos2) if (addr != ""){ data=data+head+addr+middle+name+tail } line=line.substring(pos2+1,line.length) pos1=line.indexOf("{") } makeNewWindow(data) } var title = new initArray() title[0] = "\r\rName: " //This is where you can make title[1] = ", " //changes to the fields you want title[2] = "\rHome Lodge: " //to have in your directory title[3]= "\rAffiliated with: " title[4] = "\rE-Mail: " //The only requirements are that title[5] = "\rTitle: " //the first field must be the last name title[6] = "\rOffice: " //and the e-mail address must be title[7] = "\rOther positions: " title[8] = "\rTelephone: " //enclosed in braces { } and must title[9] = "\rAddress: " //be one of the fields. Note that the var title_count =11 //printout and the lack of it doesn't var string = new initArray() string[0] = "" string[1] = "" string[2]= "" string[3]= "" string[4]= "" string[5] = "" string[6] = "" string[7] = "" string[8] = "" string[9] = "" var notswitch = new initArray() notswitch[0]="false" notswitch[1]="false" notswitch[2]="false" notswitch[3]="false" notswitch[4]="false" notswitch[5]="false" notswitch[6]="false" notswitch[7]="false" notswitch[8]="false" notswitch[9]="false" function focusit() { document.form.entry.focus() } var count=0 var line=""; var message = "" function nsearch(form) { var sn=document.form.type.selectedIndex //Get index of selected search type// count=0; line="" data="" var sname=document.form.entry.value if (sn==0){ sname=sname.toUpperCase() var alphabet="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" var initial = sname.charAt(0) var index = alphabet.indexOf(initial) sname="\r"+sname line="" var message=" " var found=true var tempstring=rcrd[index] var pos=tempstring.indexOf(sname) if (pos<1){ message=sname+" NOT FOUND. LISTING ALL OF THE "+initial+"'s FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE." var found=false sname="\r"+initial pos=tempstring.indexOf(sname) } while(pos>0){ count=count+1 tempstring=tempstring.substring(pos,tempstring.length) var pos2=tempstring.indexOf("!!") line=line+tempstring.substring(0,pos2) pos=0 if(pos2==0){ } else{ pos=pos2 tempstring=tempstring.substring(pos,tempstring.length) pos=tempstring.indexOf(sname) } } } else{ message="" if (sn==2){} else {sname = sname.toUpperCase()} var stri = 0; var strc = 0; var pos4 = sname.indexOf("&"); while (pos4>0) { string[stri] = sname.substring(0,sname.indexOf("&")) sname = sname.substring(sname.indexOf("&")+1,sname.length) strc = strc +1 pos4 = sname.indexOf("&") stri = stri+1 } string[stri] = sname var strx = 0 while (strx <= stri) { if (string[strx].substring(0,1) == "^") { string[strx]= string[strx].substring(1,string[strx].length) notswitch[stri] = "true"} strx = strx + 1 } var index = 0; while ( index <26) { tempstring=rcrd[index] if (sn==2) {} else {tempstring = tempstring.toUpperCase() } pos1 = tempstring.indexOf("\r") while (pos1 > 0) { pos2 = tempstring.indexOf ("!!") record = tempstring.substring(pos1,pos2) pos3=1; var pos4 = 0; var pos5 = 0 ; var left =""; var right="****";var pos5=1 stri = 0; while ((stri <= strc)&&(pos3>0)){ pos4= string[stri].indexOf("#") if (pos4<0){ if (pos3 > 0) { pos3 = record.indexOf(string[stri])} } var pos5 = 0; var right=string[stri]; while (pos4 > 0){ left = right.substring(0,pos4) right =right.substring(pos4+1,right.length) if (pos5 <=0) {pos5 = record.indexOf(left)} pos4 = right.indexOf("#") } if (pos5 <= 0 ){pos5 = record.indexOf(right)} if (pos5 <= 0) {pos3 = 0} if (notswitch[stri]=="true") { if (pos3 ==0) {pos3 = 1} else { pos3 = 0} } stri = stri + 1 } if (pos3 > 0){ line= line+record count = count + 1} tempstring =tempstring.substring(pos2+1,tempstring.length) pos1 = tempstring.indexOf("\r") } index=index+1 } } if (count>0){ if (true==true){ var p_line="" var d_array=line.split(field_separator) i=0; while(i"" ) || (tprint==1)){ p_line=p_line+title[j]+d_array[i+j]} else {p_line=p_line} j++ } i=i+((d_array.length-1)/count) document.form.result1.value=p_line } } else{ document.form.result1.value=line } if ((count==1)&&(found==true)) {document.form.message.value="THERE WAS ONE MATCH FOUND."} else {document.form.message.value=message+"\rTHERE WERE "+count+" MATCHES FOUND."} } else{ if (sn==0){document.form.message.value="There are no names beginning with "+initial+" in the directory."} else {document.form.message.value="That string does not appear in the directory."} } } function sendMail(){ getData(line) }

Enter the first few letters of the HELP?

Here ->



You can add or modify a directory entry by e-mail. Click here
Please note; Some browsers will not fill in the resultant e-mail message. In that case you will have to fill in the message yourself by following the directions.. Sorry about that, but I am still working on it.
Dick Steinberg

Since February 20, 2001 this page has been used times

When searching for a last name enter the first few letters of the name. If that name is not found, all of the names in the directory starting with that initatial will be listed. All last names are in upper-case in the directory to avoid confusion with capitalization of some names and to make them stand out in the listing. Most other words are capitalized, but not upper-case.

You may also search for strings of characters in the directory, such as "John Cutler Lodge", "Treasurer", etc. You may combine strings using two special characters; "&" (AND) and "#" (OR). When using & you are saying that both strings must be present in the record. # means that either string (or both) can be present for a match. For example:

revere#satucket& secr#treas
will list the secretaries and treasurers for Paul Revere Lodge and Satucket Lodge.

There is also a limited "NOT' (^) facility available. The not sign can only appear after an and sign (&^). If there are ORs (#) follwing a NOT and before another AND, they become "NORS".

Case Sensitive searches are faster and more exact and should be used if possible. When in doubt use non case sensitive searches. For more help contact Dick Steinberg at steinberg@iname.com.