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17th Masonic District
    General Topics
17th Masonic District
Secretaries' Topics

The "Message Boards" take advantage of a service provided by  It is intended to facilitate discussions about areas of interest to particular groups..  However it can serve a more valuable purpose.  Since any message submitted is immediately  e-mailed to every registered e-mail address, this service provides a facility for quickly disseminating information throughout the District.  Such important items as Masonic Funeral Sevices, the need for Brothers to help with District functions, changes in the schedule, etc. can be rapidly transmitted thoughout the district without the necessity of any of us being responsible for keeping a comprehensive address list for the District and anyone can submit their message without having to go through some "higher authority."

For this service to be effective, however, a number of the District's Brothers would need to have their e-mail address registered.  Therefore I am encouraging you to register now and to advise others to do so.  The process is simple and does not violate the privacy of  your e-mail address since other registrants cannot get at it and promises not to disseminate it.  Simply click on the appropriate link above and then on the "SUSCRIBE Get messages by email" link on the message board page.  Then provide your e-mail address when prompted.

The service also provides the ability to add sub-groups, such as the "Brockton 29th Secretaries" group.  Anyone can add a sub-group, but I suggest that, if you do, you let me know so that I can add the group's link to the table.

If you have not already done so, please register for the "17th Masonic District" group and any of the others you feel may be appropriate.  You will have to register for each individually.  

If you have any  problems or questions contact me.     Dick Steinberg